Still, "satisfaction" is a relative term. In the ACSI's Retail and Consumer Shipping Study 2021-2022, the three attributes listed above each scored an 82, the highest marks any drugstore chain feature got on a 100-point scale.
The ACSI study is based on email interviews with 36,517 customers who were contacted between January 11 and December 20, 2021, and asked to evaluate their recent experiences with companies.
What Is the #1 Drugstore in America?
CVS grabs the #1 spot among drugstores when it comes to customer satisfaction but with an underwhelming score of 76, which was one point better than Kroger (75).
The only retailers to experience gains (1%) compared to last year were Albertsons stores and Rite Aid. But they each gained only 1% in the survey, and both sit tied for fourth place with a score of 73.
Here Are the Top Drugstores According To Customer Satisfaction
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How To Save Money at the Drugstore
Team Clark wants you to save money wherever you shop. Here are some tips for drugstore shopping.
Join a Customer Rewards Program
Many drugstores offer rebates and discounts in exchange for signing up for their customer rewards programs.
For example, Walgreens' MyWalgreens program offers 1% Walgreens Cash rewards on anything you buy in the store. You also get 5% Walgreens Cash rewards on store-branded products. Learn more here.
The CVS ExtraCare program gives customers 2% back on qualifying purchases as well as a $3 Extrabucks gift on your birthday. Learn more here.
Need Prescriptions? Go Generic
Money expert Clark Howard is a big fan of saving money on medications. To help your wallet, he says you may have to educate your doctor on drug pricing.
“Doctors have no idea what prescriptions cost. So a doctor will write a prescription based on what they think is the best thing for you,” Clark says. “But maybe you can find something just about as good that instead of costing $100 will cost you $4. That is a big difference!”
Many stores sell a 30-day supply of select generic drugs for $4 or a 90-day supply for $10. These pharmacies offer $4 prescription drugs.
Avoid Buying Groceries
It may be convenient, but your wallet may not be happy if you go grocery shopping in a drugstore. Many food and household items cost more at drugstores compared to traditional grocers.
For example, this 32 oz. carton of almond milk costs $3.19 at CVS. At Walmart, the same item costs $1.99 as of March 2022.
Go to the grocery store to buy your groceries! Here's how to save money at Walmart.
More Shopping Resources From
The post New Report: The #1 Drugstore for Customer Satisfaction appeared first on Clark Howard.